-Build from OpenPLi git source develop branch -GCC 6.3.0 -GLIBC 2.25 -GStreamer 1.14.4 -Python 2.7.13 -Some big binaries compressed with UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables) -Removed lots of python source files from the image -Dedicated feed server
The box has about 300MB free after a virgin install.
See Releasenotes for more info.
OpenPLi 7.0 RC - 许多改进 支持Gamma(又名SDR / HDR / HLG),Samba更改,支持后备调谐器扩展的可能性,支持许多Wifi USB芯片组,修正错误和新功能的引入。
固件地址:下载地址1(60.47MB); osca插件地址:下载地址2(1.34MB)
